C3M-GROUP is a holding company for C3M in Western World countries, where C3M are found in all nationalities within Europe and USA. The place for this company is still open, but a good example is Ukraine or another company with low rated liberal tax laws.


C3M DK ApS is a country based company for IT business in Denmark. This company is owned by C3M-Group. C3M DK ApS is developing all kind of IT projects basicly WEB sites for theird party companies. C3M DK ApS is a production and matintenence company for subsidiary companies: Trust Guide - Local Guide - MMM-Network. C3M DK ApS is owned by Jesper and Morten Dybro There will be C3M national companies in every country where the three projects are operating in. (f. ex. C3M.de, C3M.it, C3M.no, C3M.se etc.)


Trust Guide is a project in a single function between Facebook and a web site. It is a service to consumers, creating services and better commnuication between producers / suppliers and consumers. It is simultaneously a response to the scandal of Trust Pilot, where the name Trust Guide must be able to deliver 100% objective information about products and services to the consumer. A manufacturer must have every opportunity to defend themselves when a product or service is being criticized. This company is a subsidiary company to C3M DK ApS and is owned by C3M DK ApS and a business partner.


The Local guide is a combination of APPS for smartphones, Windows APPS and a sophisticated website. The Local guide is based on local info using IP addressing by PC usage and GPS on tablets and smartphones. Here you can find everything within their local area ranging from public service offices and for amusements. But you can also find other local areas in Denmark or Europe if you f. ex. want to go to another city temporarily f. ex on vacation or family visit. The Localguide is a standard service in the MMM-Network for PC use. This company is a subsidiary company to C3M DK ApS


The MMM-Network is an Interface for Network and Internet calculated for ISPs and closed communities as Hotels, hospitals and Housing associations. The MMM-Network is an innovative project for future use of network, since it gives a complete better secure network for the endusers and let the ISP be a part of the income of web services. SSN and N-EU Net are devolped with the backend of MMM-Network This company is a subsidiary company to C3M DK ApS and is owned by C3M Group and a busisiness partner.

C3M Hosting

C3M Hosting is a web hosting company for Danish clients and a partner to C3M Group.


C3M DK ApS is a country based company for IT business in Denmark. This company is owned by C3M-Group. C3M DK ApS is developing all kind of IT projects basicly WEB sites for theird party companies. C3M DK ApS is a production and matintenence company for subsidiary companies: Trust Guide - Local Guide - MMM-Network. C3M DK ApS is owned by Jesper and Morten Dybro There will be C3M national companies in every country where the three projects are operating in. (f. ex. C3M.de, C3M.it, C3M.no, C3M.se etc.)


C3M-GROUP is a holding company for C3M in Western World countries, where C3M are found in all nationalities within Europe and USA. The place for this company is still open, but a good example is Ukraine or another company with low rated liberal tax laws.


Trust Guide is a project in a single function between Facebook and a web site. It is a service to consumers, creating services and better commnuication between producers / suppliers and consumers. It is simultaneously a response to the scandal of Trust Pilot, where the name Trust Guide must be able to deliver 100% objective information about products and services to the consumer. A manufacturer must have every opportunity to defend themselves when a product or service being criticized. This company is a daughter company to C3M IvS andis owned by C3M and a business partner.


Local guide is a combination of APPS for smartphones, Windows APPS and a sophisticated website. The Local guide is based on local info using IP addressing by PC usage and GPS, tablet and smartphones. Here you can find everything within their local area ranging from public service offices and for amusements. But you can also find other local areas in Denmark or Europe if you f. Ex. want to go to another city temporarily f. ex on vacation or family visit. This company is a daughter company to C3M IvS and is owned by C3M and a business partner.


The MMM-Network is an Interface for Network calculated for ISPs and closed communities as Hotels, hospitals and Housing associations. The MMM-Network is an innovative project for future use of network, since it gives a complete better secure network for the enduser and let the ISP be a part of the income of web services. This company is a daughter company to C3M IvS andis owned by C3M and a business partner.